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Memory Game (card game) - online

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Memory Game (card game) - online
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Memory Game is a card game in witch you must find as many identical (or thematically similar) cards as possible.

This is not an ordinary Memory Game

On this page you can find many varied of Memory Game for all ages.

In addition to the classic game (with searching for same pairs of cards) there are different difficulty, where you need to find same (or different) three of a kind, four of a kind or five of a kind cards...

It’s Memory Game for children, teenagers, adults or seniors...

There is also a section for disabled people, in witch the different games take account of various healh restrictions.
Whether it is vision problems (partially sighted, blind) or problems with signs of weakening the intellectual abilities of seniors in advanced age (age dementia, Alzheimer's disease, Pick's disease, ...).

So far the only natural medicine
to lose memory is her

permanent exercise!

Chose any activity that exercise brain...

  • read books
  • play Chess (or Draughts, Mill)
  • resolve crossword puzzle
  • play card and party games
  • learn a fereign language


  • play MEMORY GAME :)

From the menu, you can select picture, text, sound or combination (picture - text - sound) Memory Game.

Individual Memory Games are classified into different categories:

  • age category   (smallest children, children, adults, seniors)
  • processing   (picture, text, sound, combined)
  • identity cards   (same pairs of cards, different pairs of cards)
  • cards definition   (pair, three of a kind, four of a kind, five of a kind)
  • difficulty   (easy, normal, hard, extreme)
  • for disabled people   (partially sighted, blind, age dementia, Alzheimer's disease, ...)
  • learning foreign languages
  • special :)

  • multiplayer game   (1 - 5 players)
    [ shortcut key - R ]

  • game against the computer   (3 levels of artificial intelligence)
    [ shortcut key - S ]

Artificial intelligence

This Memory game allows human versus computer play.

There are 3 levels of artificial intelligence
  • low
  • medium
  • high

There is also a definition of the speed of revealing cards for the 'computer' type player.

0.1 s 0.5 s 1 s 1.5 s 2 s 3 s 5 s

The game of the computer itself is interesting...
or... the game of 5 computers against each other...

Human-computer play has certain limits...
For example, when defining a high level of intelligence, a person has no chance in a classic game with more cards...

  • STOP game   - game with STOP cards
    [ shortcut key - Ctrl + Alt + S ]
    Single player game
    - after revealing the STOP card, the player is penalized by increasing the number of moves
    Multiplayer game
    - after the STOP card is revealed, the player is penalized by missing the next round
    - a player with a STOP confirms his skipped round by clicking on the STOP icon or by pressing a shortcut key [ Ctrl + Alt + T ].

  • GRAVITY game   - game with falling cards
    [ shortcut key - Ctrl + Alt + G ]
    - this mode allows cards to fall down

It’s essential to note, that for "different" pairs, it’s necessary to find thematically similar (but different) cards (picture or text) - eg. different pairs of picture cards from one fairy tale.

It’s important to regularly burden the brain!

After game is launched under card area is information about number of "identical" or "different" searched pairs (three of a kind, four of a kind, five of a kind).

In the game, you can increase or decrease the number of cards (depending on the screen resolution).

Game allows several times to uncover and cover all accessible cards at once [ shortcut key - F9 or Ctrl + F9 ].

With uncovered cards, Auxiliary mode [ shortcut key - H ] is available to highlight linked cards (pair, three of a kind, ...):

  • ?   0  -  off mode
    [ shortcut key - 0 ]
  • ?   1  -  automatic mode (mouse cursor over the card)
  • ?   2  -  manual mode (click on the card)

Learning mode [ shortcut key - L ] is available:

  • =   1  -  learning Mode (uncovered 1st series of different cards)
    [ shortcut key - 1 ]
  • =   2  -  learning Mode (uncovered 2nd series of different cards)
    [ shortcut key - 2 ]
  • =   3  -  learning Mode (uncovered 3rd series of different cards)
    [ shortcut key - 3 ]
  • =   4  -  learning Mode (uncovered 4th series of different cards)
    [ shortcut key - 4 ]
  • =   5  -  learning Mode (uncovered 5th series of different cards)
    [ shortcut key - 5 ]
  • =   Y  -  learning Mode (uncovered mix of all series of different cards)
    [ shortcut key - Y ]

Automatic memory training

The Automatic learning mode can be used with any memory games with different cards. For example if you want to practice the names of actors, the names of athletes, various mathematical expressions, small multiplication table, words and model sentences from a foreign language, or the names of characters from various TV-series or movies...

Starting the Automatic learning mode:
[ shortcut key - Ctrl + Alt + L ]

or by clicking on the graphic symbol

Possible settings:
  • number of random repeats of card feed (x1 - x5)
    [ shortcut key - Alt + L ]
  • different series of cards (including mix)
    [ shortcut key - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5   or   Y ]
  • the speed of the resulting card reversal [ shortcut key - V ]
  • automatic speed of revealing cards
    (for a 'computer' type player)
    [ shortcut key - S ]

It is possible to start / pause the feeding of cards with the shortcut key P, the space bar, the Enter key, or by clicking the mouse in the card area.

Some Memory Games for the Automatic learning mode:

(Sound card game, STOP card game and Gravity game are not supported in this mode...)

Turnover speed of cards can be adjusted as necessary:

When playing with different cards (D) it's possible to change the game type to the game with identical cards of the 1st series (E-1), 2nd series (E-2), ...
This settings is clearer with uncovered cards [ shortcut key - F9 or Ctrl + F9 ].

How to improve your memory

How to play Memory Game - strategically

For those who have less trouble playing Memory Game and are memory impaired, there is some form of strategy...

It is based on the process of putting together ordinary puzzles, where corners (corner pieces) are first searched for and then edges (edge pieces).

This process of playing Memory Game is shown schematically in the attached picture...

Strategy for playing Memory Game
As soon as a player comes across a card whose pair card he has already turned over, he is almost certain that the pair card is somewhere around the board, and he tries to reveal the pair of cards...

With this method, the player regularly gets
above 50 percent success rate
in a short time!

Of course, it is not advisable to overdo it and stick to the given procedure all the time...

In time, the player dares to play a game with a completely random selection... :)

For some games, you can set size of cards
(for text Memory Game - minimum height 80 pixels - maximum height 360 pixels).

You can change the text size for text Memory Game
(at least 14 pixels - up to 42 pixels).

In a text or combined Memory Game, you can uncover all cards at once [ shortcut key - F9 or Ctrl + F9 ] and then adjust the font size as needed.

Keyboard mode:

  • A-1  -  move card area continuously by rows (columns)
  • A-2  -  move card area continuously by rows (columns)
    (jump to relevant cards only)
  • B-1  -  move card area in the same row (column)
  • C-1  -  move card area not allowed

For cards that have passed, it is possible to use the Help Mode, which automatically or manually (by clicking on the card) makes the paired cards visible.

The Learning Mode is available for different cards. In this mode it is possible to hide a certain part of the cards and use the given functionality eg. when teaching a mathematics or foreign language.

Memory game for the blind

Perhaps the only digital memory game
for the blind in the world... ;)

Memory game for the blind has a customized user interface that combines keyboard/mouse with audio signaling...

This version of Memory game for blind
is only suitable for the 'desktop' platform.
This version is not suitable for mobile devices...

The initial warning about linking the game to the sound must be canceled by pressing the Enter or ESC key...

Mouse game

By moving the mouse on the playing surface, a sound signal is heard.
This signaling addresses the different mouse pointer positions, such as over the game zone and beyond, over the card, out of card, bad move, good move, etc.
The card is revealed by clicking the mouse.

Sound signaling is predefined in 6 versions, which can be switched by pressing the shortcut key [ ALT + F5 ].

Some Memory Games for the blind (mouse):

Keyboard game

The player moves around the player's zone using the arrow keys, where each jump is defined by a certain sound signal.
This signaling addresses the different pointer positions, such as jump out of the player zone, jump on the card, off the card, bad move, good move, etc.
The card is revealed by pressing the Enter or Spacebar key.

For more information on keyboard shortcuts, see the "Keyboard Shortcuts - Keyboard Mode" section..

Some Memory Games for the blind (keyboard):

A personal assistant is definitely suitable
for the initial acquaintance with the Memory game...

The screen reader is not supported on this interface,
so it will probably be necessary to turn it off...

Keyboard shortcuts

Action Keyboard
Basic mode
New game F2
Ctrl + F2
Maximum game
(available for desktop PC only)
Multiplayer game settings S
Enter the number of players directly R
Cards definition
(2, 3, ...)
Enter the number of pairs directly E
Enter the maximum number
of pairs directly
Number of pairs plus Ctrl + Alt + right (arrow)
minus Ctrl + Alt + left (arrow)
Number of pairs 1/3 less Ctrl + Alt + , (comma)
1/3 more Ctrl + Alt + . (dot)
Uncover all cards / Cover all cards
- switch -
Ctrl + F9
Impossibility of revealing all cards Ctrl + Alt + U
Enter the speed of card turnover directly V
Speed of card turnover plus Ctrl + Alt + Shift + up (arrow)
minus Ctrl + Alt + Shift + down (arrow)
Game type - switching series
(available for different pairs only)
Enter the size of the cards directly Z
Card size plus Ctrl + Alt + up (arrow)
minus Ctrl + Alt + down (arrow)
Text size plus Alt + up (arrow)
minus Alt + down (arrow)
Help mode   - switch - H
Learning mode   - switch -
(available for different pairs only)
1   2   3   4   5      Y
Enter the automatic
Learning mode directly   - switch -
(available for different pairs only)
Ctrl + Alt + L
Play / Pause automatic game
(available for a 'computer' player only)
Random repetition   - switch -
(available for different pairs only)
Alt + L
Cards coordinates   - switch -
View / Hide cards coordinates   - switch -
Ctrl + Alt + D
Chaotic layout of cards   - switch -
View / Hide chaotic layout
of cards   - switch -
New chaotic layout of cards   - switch -
Ctrl + Alt + Q

Ctrl + Q
Keyboard mode   - switch -
Mode:   A1-A2, B1, C1
(available for desktop PC only)
Ctrl + Alt + K
Screen lock   - switch -
(available for desktop PC only)
Language   - switch - English G
Graphic design   - switch - Ctrl + Alt + C
View / Hide background images
- switch -
Ctrl + Alt + B
Time   - switch - Alt + T
View / Hide links   - switch - Ctrl + Alt + V
Activate / Deactivate links   - switch - Ctrl + Shift + V
STOP game   - switch - Ctrl + Alt + S
Confirmation a skipped STOP round Ctrl + Alt + T
GRAVITY game   - switch - Ctrl + Alt + G
Info about a running game I
Fullscreen F11
Keyboard mode       (for desktop PC only)
Move around the area up, down, right, left (arrow)
Ctrl +
up, down, right, left (arrow)
Jump to first (last) position
on column (row)
Shift +      Ctrl + Shift +
up, down, right, left (arrow)
Jump to first position Home
Shift + Home
Ctrl + Shift + Home
Ctrl + Space
Jump to last position End
Shift + End
Ctrl + Shift + End
Jump to (approximately) center position C
Select position Insert
Deselect position Delete      Esc
Uncover card Enter      Space
Blind mode       (for desktop PC only)
Blind mode   - switch -
(switch keyboard - mouse)
Ctrl + Alt + F8
Uncover cards / Cover cards Ctrl + Alt + F9
Mouse mode   - switch -
Mode: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Alt + F5
Keyboard mode   - switch -
Mode: C1, A1-A2, B1
Alt + F8
Help mode   - switch -
(available with uncovered cards only)
Alt + F9

Download - Keyboard shortcuts (PDF format).


Virtual Gallery

Classic Memory Game (front of cards) Classic Memory Game (back of cards) Complete display of screen data (information area, playing field, menu) Keyboard shortcuts Additional information Memory Game for children (cartoon animals) Memory Game for children (cartoon animals) Filter (different categories and types of games) Memory Game - Cinematography (the choice of card sizes) Memory Game - Cinematography (the choice of card sizes) Mathematical Memory Game - numbers Memory Game - the color of simple entities Category - Special Memory Game (broken pictures) Category - Special Memory Game (broken pictures) Text Memory Game - different subjects Memory Game for the blind - pictogram in the information area (large images with larger gaps and audible signaling) Category - Special Memory Game (hidden backside of cards) Learning Memory Game - Mathematics Expressions (different difficulty) Memory Game with 3 identical symbols Search for different color pairs Sound Memory Game Combined Memory Game (picture + sound) (choice of size of cards) Combined Memory Game (picture + text + sound) (choice of size of cards and text size) Color designs Info
More views
Mobile devices Memory game for cities and municipalities Nižná Myšľa    (village)  -  Order Nižná Myšľa    (village) Nižná Myšľa    (village) Nižná Myšľa    (village) Nižná Myšľa    (village) Nižná Myšľa    (village) Nižná Myšľa    (village) Zemplínska Teplica    (village) Zemplínska Teplica    (village) Zemplínska Teplica    (village) Zemplínska Teplica    (village) Zemplínska Teplica    (village) Memory game for companies and institutions INSVET s.r.o.  -  static-architectural studio    (company)  -  Order INSVET s.r.o.  -  static-architectural studio    (company) INSVET s.r.o.  -  static-architectural studio    (company) INSVET s.r.o.  -  static-architectural studio    (company) Julkine torty  -  food company    (company) Julkine torty  -  food company    (company) Julkine torty  -  food company    (company) Memory game for schools ZŠ Branč    (school)  -  Order ZŠ Branč    (school) ZŠ Branč    (school) ZŠ Branč    (school) ZŠ Branč    (school) ZŠ Branč    (school) ZŠ Branč    (school) Memory game for sport clubs and organizations HC Košice    (hockey)  -  Order HC Košice    (hockey) HC Košice    (hockey) HC Košice    (hockey) HC Košice    (hockey) AC Sparta Praha    (football)  -  Order AC Sparta Praha    (football) AC Sparta Praha    (football) AC Sparta Praha    (football) AC Sparta Praha    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football)  -  Order ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) ŠK Slovan Bratislava    (football) Oktagon    (MMA)  -  Order Oktagon    (MMA) Oktagon    (MMA) Oktagon    (MMA) Oktagon    (MMA) Oktagon    (MMA)

This version of Memory Game is - online.

You can play from internet browser.
Almost all available browsers are supported: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari, Opera, ...

There is also  a commercial version  for:

Mobile devices

This Memory Game is primarily intended for the "desktop" platform (TV, PC, notebook, laptop), and in this case there is also a game in Maximum Mode, game for 5 players, game for blind, ...

However, this Memory Game can also be played on mobile devices, regardless of the iOS/Android operating system (iPhone, iPad, Android mobile devices, tablets) - with adequate enlargement/reduction of the card area as needed.


Alternative No.1:

Just click on the link (start) of a specific game...

Alternative No.2:

Individual memory games can also be launched through the game index (number), using subdomains memorygame or mem, by entering the address in the address bar of the internet browser:
e.g. memorygame.rmsoft.sk/137   or   mem.rmsoft.sk/137
(index number is in the range 1 - 2374,
except for 894 - 907)
using the game index listing:

You can also start a random game from the menu    :)

Planned improvements to the next version
  • different color designs
  • game of time limit
  • scoring the game
  • other types of Memory Game
Product detail

October 10, 2023
(Start:  September 12, 2018)




Product type

card game (online)






JavaScript (jQuery)
CSS (Sass)


PHP file
HTML file
JS file
CSS file


memory game, match pairs game, memory, concentration, match match, match up, memory, pelmanism, shinkei-suijaku, pairs, matching game, Memo Game, online memory game, card game, pexeso, brain, bad memory, train your brain, training memory, memory game for blind, Alzheimer, #MemoryGame, #MatchPairs, #MatchingGame, #Concentration, #Pexeso, #MemoryGameForBlind, #BadMemory, #Alzheimer


Overall rating: 96.9 %
Your rating:

null standard max
Age category
Card identity
Card definition
Project closed

European Union

Memory Games of the European Union include state symbols - flags, maps, anthems and various textual information...

(picture - text - sound)
__  web  __
__  random game  __


For fans of Avatar, there is
a section of various
Memory games...

(picture - text - sound)
__  web  __
__  random game  __
Animated Films
World Cinematography
(Actors + Actresses)
Cards - Joker
Mathematics - Numbers
(two digits [10-99])
(circle one-color)
Animated Films
(different cards)
Mathematics Expressions
World Cinematography
(+ names)
Animal sounds
(picture - sound)
(square two-color) (different cards)
Animal World
Sounds from the movie
Text Memory Game
(various subjects)
(picture - text - sound)
Memory game for municipalities
(Nizna Mysla)
Memory game for schools
(ZS Branc)
(OMD - Organization of muscular dystrofics in Slovak republic)
Memory game for companies
(INSVET s.r.o.)
Sport - Football
(ŠK Slovan Bratislava)
Hidden back cards :)
Sport - MMA
Sport - Box
(Deontay Wilder vs. Tyson Fury 2)
Sport - Hockey
(HC Košice)
English language
(Verbal species)
English language
(At the restaurant)
English language
(Irregular verbs)

11 minutes a day

For teaching a foreign language, a section of various Memory Games from the popular textbook "English - 11 minutes a day" is available here

11 minutes a day
__  web  __
11 minutes a day
__  random game  __

Walking Dead

For adult fans of The Walking Dead, there is
a section of various
Memory games...

(picture - text - sound)
Walking Dead
__  web  __
Walking Dead
__  random game  __